Neal Adams Vault SC (2023 Continuity Graphics) comic books



Written by Neal Adams, Peter Stone, and Elliot Maggin. Art by Neal Adams, Iota Subotici, Tom Grindberg, Larry Stroman, Ian Akin, Brian Garvey, Ernesto Infante, and Rudy Nebres. Cover by Neal Adams. A Treasury edition of 144 glossy-printed pages of absolutely spectacular artwork from innovative masters of comics. Legendary artist Neal Adams created an entire pantheon of brilliant characters for his own company, Continuity Comics. Presented here are the origin issues of some of the fan-favorites, drawn by Neal himself along with Tom Grindberg, Larry Stroman and others, printed in Black and White from the originals. Armor (one of the deadliest warriors in the universe), Megalith (The Ultimate Man), The Hybrids (teenage human and alien mutations), Valeria (The She-Bat), and Knighthawk (the Cloned Hero). Softcover, 8 1/2-in. x 13-in., 144 pages, PC.
